Funny Homeless Signs People of Walmart
I saw a homeless guy on the streets and I had 50 bucks on me...
I thought, This'll be wasted on drugs and booze. So I just gave it to the homeless guy.
Bagpiper at a Funeral
As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a Pauper's' cemetery in the back country. As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn't stop for directions.
I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn't know what else to do, so I started to play.
The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I've never played before for this homeless man.
And as I played 'Amazing Grace,' the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, and we all wept together. When I finished I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full.
As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say;
I just waved a $100 bill to a homeless guy on the other side of the highway
Welcome to my version of Frogger

I saw this cute homeless girl on the street.. I asked her if I could take her home. She smiled and said "sure", boy the look on her face when I walked off with her cardboard box...
A girl was about to jump off a cliff...
A girl was about to jump off a cliff to end her life. Just as she was about to leap to her death, a homeless man approached from behind and shouted to ask her a question,
"Excuse me miss! Before you jump would you like to have sex with me?"
The woman replied angrily, "No I most certainly would not! How dare you try and take advantage of me in a situation like this!"
The homeless responded, "Very well then, I'll just wait for you to get to the bottom."
A homeless man walks by a bar...
He sees a man sitting in front of a steaming bowl of chili. And the homeless man is so hungry he walks inside the bar and tells the man he's very hungry. The man at the bar just shoves the chili over to the homeless man and nods. The homeless man is surprised but starts eating right away, as he gets to the bottom of the bowl he sees a dead mouse. The homeless man throws up the chili back in the bowl. The man at the bar says "I did the same thing ten minutes ago".
I'd just come out of the shop with a roast beef sandwich, large chips, ear of corn, & a jumbo sausage. A poor, homeless man sat there and said 'I haven't eaten for two days.'
I told him, 'I wish I had your will power.'

A particularly dirty shabby looking woman asks for couple of dollars
A woman was walking down the street when she was
accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking
homeless woman who asked her for a couple of dollars for dinner.
The woman took out her wallet, extracted ten dollars
and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy
some wine with it instead of dinner?"
"No," I had to stop drinking years ago, the homeless
woman replied.
"Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying
food?" the woman asked.
"No," I don't waste time shopping, the homeless woman
said. "I need to spend all my time trying to stay
"Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of
food?" the woman asked.
"Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless woman. "I haven't
had my hair done in 20 years!"
"Well," said the woman, I'm not going to give you the
money. Instead, I'm going t o take you out for dinner
with my husband and myself
The homeless Woman was astounded. "Won't your husband
be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty,
and I probably smell pretty disgusting."
The woman replied, "That's okay. It's important for
him to see what a woman looks like after she has given
up shopping, hair appointments and wine.
The vet determined that my horse constantly imagines himself to be homeless.
He has been declared mentally unstable.
What do you call the drummer that just broke up with his girlfriend?
Three homeless guys got drunk and passed out side by side in an alley
In the morning the first guy wakes up and says "I dreamt someone was jerking me off last night!". The second guys says, "that's funny, me too!" The guy in the middle said, "Not me, I dreamt I was skiing."
You can explore homeless jobless reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean homeless hypothermia dad jokes. There are also homeless puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.
Told a girl to text me when she got home.
She must be homeless.
What's the worst thing about a woman's panties?
Your nuts hang out the side.
A homeless guy told me this joke in exchange for pocket change
Met a cute guy at the bar, gave him my number and told him to text me when he got home
I guess he's homeless.
What do you call a bass player without a GF?
What is the best thing about dating a homeless girl?
You can just drop her off anywhere.

What do you call a trombone player who just broke up with his girlfriend?
How do you know a homeless woman is menstruating?
If she's only wearing one sock.
(This joke brought to you courtesy the homeless guy outside my local 7-11.)
Why does the homeless man only drink coffee?
He had no proper tea..
I've been dating a homeless girl
So I've been dating this homeless girl.
Things are getting pretty serious.
She asked me to move out with her.
This homeless man was shaking his cup at me with some change in it.
Yeah i get it, you have more money than me. Quit it.
I've been dating a homeless woman recently and I think it's getting serious...
She's asked me to move out with her...
I met a pretty girl.
Today i asked a pretty young homeless women if i could take her home, and she said yes with a big smile.
The look on her face soon changed when i walked off with her cardboard box.
There was once a starving homeless man near Pyongyang...
This joke has been removed.
Food and shelter are plentiful in North Korea.
To desire more is greed.
I asked a beautiful homeless girl if I could taker her home with me.
She said, "Yes!" With a big smile... But that quickly changed when I walked away with the cardboard box that she lived in.
I saw a homeless dude and gave him 1$
I saw a homeless woman and gave her 0.77$
Dating a homeless girl
I can just drop her off anywhere after the date right?
I hate it when homeless shake their cups with change in them
I know you have more money than me, stop showing off.
What do homeless people get for Christmas?
A man goes to buy a Ferrari...
but he was short of $1.
He saw a homeless man and said "Can you give me a dollar, I have to buy a Ferrari."
The homeless man gave him two dollars and said "Get one for me too."
I got arrested today for feeding the homeless guys on my street...
And to top it off, the cops took away my potato gun.
What do you call a homeless Hitler?
A roofless dictator.
I went up to this really cute homeless girl and asked if I could take her home
She looked ecstatic until I picked up her box and started walking away
What do you call a homeless horse?
2 reasons why I don't give money to homeless people.
1. They need money for drugs
2. I need money for drugs
Today, I gave a homeless man a watch, a phone, and $300.
You won't believe how happy I felt after he put his knife back in his pocket.
Saw a homeless man eating grass in the park...
Asked him "Why are you eating grass?"
He said "I am very hungry."
"Oh. Okay then. Come with me."
You should've seen his face when I showed him my backyard.
I was walking down the road and I saw this really hot homeless girl...
So I asked her if I could take her home with me. She said yes and so I took her box to my house.
I made a homeless girl happy yesterday when I asked if I could take her home.
She got less enthusiastic when I walked away with her box.
I got $20 from a blind homeless man on the street today!
He had this tin can full of money, and was just holding it in front of my face. What a friendly guy.
I Always Feel Bad For Gay Homeless People
They have no closet to come out of.
In Canada, we don't call the homeless homeless...
We call them "three seasoners".
They don't make it through the fourth.
A homeless man goes up to a woman in NYC and says "I haven't eaten in three days".
She replies "where do you get the self control?"
This homeless man had a sign that said "one day this could be you"
So i put my dollar back in my pocket just in case he wasn't lying
i hate when homeless people shaking their cup of coins at me
like yeah i know you have more money than me but you don't need to rub it in
The iPhone X removes the home button.
Meaning you'll be homeless on several different levels.
Homeless people are the most persistent activists in society.
Not a single day goes by without them asking for change!
What do you call two homeless people hitting eachother with cardboard?
A pillow fight.
I just gave a homeless guy 530 dollars and my new iPhone x
He was so happy he even put his knife back in his pocket
I was walking past a homeless man when he yelled, "Stephen King is my older brother and he stole the ideas for all his novels from me!"
I replied, "Surely you must be Joe."
Two homeless dudes sit on a park bench
One askes the other: Did you bring bread for the pigeons?
The other replies: No, I eat them without the bread.
I saw a homeless man aggressively shaking a cup of coins at me this morning
I get it. You have more money than me. No need to rub it in
A homeless vagabond approaches a woman, who is about to commit suicide from by throwing her self from the rooftop.
Vagabond says
- excuse me, lady. I know you are very depressed. But you know... eh... I've never been with a woman, can you sleep with me, your going to kill your self anyway...
Woman replies
-what, are you crazy!
To what he answers
-fine, I'll wait downstairs!
a Homeless guy saw a pretty woman standing on the railing of a bridge determined to kill herself...
immediately he saw his chance, he walked up to her and asked, "Lady, before you end your life, would you consider doing me a favor and have sex with me?" Disgusted and crying the woman replied, "No, of course not you pervert!" the homeless guy said, "Fine, I'll wait at the bottom."
I asked a homeless girl if I could take her home.
She smiled and said yes! But seemed very surprised when I took her cardboard box and walked away.
A homeless guy sees a lady about to kill herself.
He walks up to her standing on the edge of a tall bridge and says, hey I know what you're about to do, and I won't pretend to understand or stop you, but before you do, can we please have sex? It's been a really long time.
She replies, no you sicko!
So he says it's cool. I'll just go wait at the bottom.
I've been dating this homeless chick for a while now and it's starting to get serious.
She asked me to move out with her.
I walked past a homeless guy with a sign that read, "One day, this could be you"
I put my money back in my pocket, just in case he's right.
I HATE when homeless people shake their cans of change at me.
I get it, you have more money than me, you don't have to show off.
Why did the duck become broke and homeless?
Because he smoked to much quack
A homeless guy asked me for money today
So I looked in my pocket for change, but all I had on me was a $20 bill. I thought to myself "Do I really want this $20 going towards drugs?...Nah" So I gave him the 20.
An old joke I once heard from a friend, never fails to crack me up
A homeless man finds a shiny lamp by the road while trying to find a place to pass the night.
Picking it up, the man was just about to shove it in his bag when a genie appeared out of it.
"I can grant you one wish." Said the genie.
Not wanting to waste the wish, the man spent much time to think of the best wish.
"I want an apartment, make it a big one and make sure it's in downtown." The man said.
The genie shook his head.
"I can't fulfill that wish."
The man was disappointed. "I thought you were supposed to be able to do anything!"
The genie simply said: "Do you think I would be living in this lamp if I could afford a place of my own?"
I saw a werewolf behind the bus stop last night!
Or a really hairy homeless guy.
Either way, the silver bullet worked!
I asked a pretty, young, homeless girl if I could take her home. She smiled and said yes.
Her expression changed, however when I walked away with her cardboard box.
A wealthy man had a homeless man come to his door begging for money.
The man said I'm glad to help, but its healthy to work for your money. I've got a porch out back that needs painting. All the painting supplies are ready in the garage. If you paint the porch, I'll pay you $300. The homeless man agrees and heads to the back. About four hours later he goes to the front of the house and rings the doorbell. The man answers and says let's head back and see how well you painted the porch. The homeless man says alright, and, by the way, it's not a Porsche, it's a Lamborghini.
Don't adopt a puppy to see if you're ready for kids
Adopt a homeless guy with diarrhea & a bunch of stories that don't go anywhere.
I gave a phone and 100 dollars to a homeless guy today.
You will never know the happiness I've felt when he put his gun away.
Today I gave a homeless man everything I had, my identity, wallet, car, house, even my wedding ring. We basically switched places.
You can't imagine how good it felt to be free of debt for the first time.
When I moved into my new igloo my friends threw me a surprise house-warming party.
Now I'm homeless.
Saw a homeless man eating a tin of baked beans and I thought it was really sad, so I walked over to him and said...
"I think you're supposed to open that first"
Q: What do you call a bass player without a girlfriend?
A: Homeless.
These just jokes people...
I gave a homeless guy $5 today
I gave this homeless guy $5 and an old lady behind me told me he's just going to use it for drugs, so I confronted him and asked where I could also get drugs for $5
I asked a homeless girl if I could take her home...
The smile on her face vanished when I took away her cardboard box.
A homeless guy asked me for some money today
I looked in my pocket and all I had was a $20 bill. "Do I really want this money going to drugs?", I thought to myself. "Nah." So I gave him the $20.
I saw a homeless man & I asked him if I gave him $20 would you buy booze? He said no he hadn't had a beer in years. Then I said if I give you $20 will you buy hunting gear? He again said no, he stopped hunting 5 years ago.
So then I said I'll do you better than $20. I'll take you home let you all cleaned up. My wife will cook a fantastic meal for you. Then I'll bring you back & still give you $20.
He asked me won't she get mad? I said it didn't matter.
I just wanted her to see what happens to a man when he stops drinking & hunting!
I was about to give money to a homeless man when I realized that I only had a $50 bill.
I took it out and asked myself, Do I want this money to be spent on drugs?
I decided I did, so I put the money back in my wallet and kept walking.
I asked this cute homeless girl if I could take her home with me.
She started crying after I walked off with her cardboard box.
Homeless guy asked if I could spare a dollar.
I looked in my wallet and there was only a $20, so I asked myself "Do I really want this money going to drugs, booze, and the decline of society?"
I decided I didn't so I gave it to him.
I saw a homeless man asking for money
I had 20$ in my pocket but I didn't want it to go to crack and alcohol.
So I gave it to the homeless guy
Today I gave an iPhone and $500 to a homeless guy.
You will never know the happiness I felt when he put his gun away.
What's the best part about dating a homeless person?
When the date is over you can drop them off anywhere.
When I moved into my igloo, my friends threw me a house warming party
Now I'm homeless
My fellow eskimos threw me a house warming party when I moved into my igloo
I'm homeless now
Last week I built an igloo. My friends threw me a housewarming party.
now I'm homeless
I moved into an igloo and my friends came over. Now, I'm homeless
They threw me a housewarming party
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